May 11, 2019
The Grit Foundation's First Annual "Clays and Craws’" event is a clay shoot and low country boil fundraising event attracting guests in support of our local first responders and law enforcement officers. The event includes event admission, an event gift, ammo, breakfast and lunch.
Clays & Craws'

December 8, 2018
Join the Nitty Gritty Cookin' Team as they whip up some delicious holiday fare for the Clay County Sheriff's Office! Volunteers are needed! Click below to learn more!
Clay County Sheriff's Office Christmas Party

January 26, 2019
The 2019 Grit Gala is a black tie formal fundraising event attracting hundreds of guests in support of our local first responders and hometown heroes. The evening includes a gourmet dinner,
exceptional entertainment, a silent auction, and a display of first responder tributes from seven local bakeries.